Where Every Journey to Stability Begins.
At PEOPLE, we empower and employ people in Kelowna and surrounding Central Okanagan areas with lived and living experience to step into new roles for themselves. In helping them do that, we improve their lives and the community. By valuing and destigmatizing individuals, we can make a meaningful and lasting difference in the community in which we all live and work.
Together, We Build
Stronger Futures.
PEOPLE Lived Experience Society was founded with the idea that we are missing important pieces of the puzzle to solve issues of homelessness and substance use disorders. PEOPLE is a collaborative effort bridging this gap by recognizing the value of lived experience and peer support and the value of community in achieving social change. We employ, train, and support people with lived experience to work on the ground in front-line roles helping others currently experiencing those challenges to find the resources they need that are available in the community.
Some of our stats
Rate (Kelowna)
Available Shelters
Peer Testimonials
These testimonials are from people who have worked with our program. Their names have been withheld for privacy.
PEOPLE Lived Experience Society uses traditional, non-traditional, and indigenous mentorship programs to help people heal, to help people learn new skills, and to set people up for success in the workplace and in their personal lives.
We connect with local employers, local resources, the municipality, and our group of trained employees to build these new bridges of success and knock down barriers and stigmas.